Litigation and Dispute Resolution

Our Office have many years’ experience in providing legal advice, assistance and represent clients in domestic and foreign clients both inside and outside the court general and special courts and arbitral institutions (commercial disputes, maritime matters, bankruptcy, arbitration, industrial relations disputes, cases intellectual property rights, insurance, criminal cases, civil cases, etc.).

Our office represent clients in courts throughout Indonesia, both in the District Court, Appellate Court, Administrative Court, Commercial Court, Military Tribunals, Religious Courts and the Supreme Court.


Our office has a lot of experience in the field of general and specific criminal punishment (example: economic crimes, money laundering, corruption). Our office provide legal advice and assistance in the overall process of examination of the level of the investigator (police/prosecutor/corruption eradication commission) to the court (defense, appeal, appeal for cassation or judicial review).

Accompanying clients as Legal Counsel in the trial at:

District Court

Tortious Act, Branch of Contract, Divorce Dispute, Dispute of Joint Property, and others.

Request Child Custody, Guardianship, Replacement Name, Inheritance.

Religious Court

Specific matters for those who are Muslims in the field of Divorce, Inheritance, Probate, Grants, Endowments, Zakat, Infaq, Sadaqah, and Sharia Economic.

Commercial Court

Assisting clients in commercial disputes in the Commercial Court.

Bankruptcy and Suspension of Payment (PKPU)

Our offices provide consultation in the field of bankruptcy in which we can represent clients either as applicant creditor of bankruptcy, representing other creditors in bankruptcy proceedings, representing clients as an insolvent debtor.

As an applicant for bankruptcy, our office has a powerful advocates, of which is in accordance with Laws No. 37 of 2004 on Bankruptcy and Suspension of Payment, a bankruptcy petition must be filed by an advocate. In addition, our office also has prior experience with management of the Company Bankrupt in several bankrupt companies and defending clients in the Commercial Court for bankruptcy proceedings as well as representing clients in claiming their rights over the bankruptcy estate of the company who has been declared bankrupt by the Commercial Court.

Intellectual Property Rights

Accompany and/or represent clients in the Commercial Court in the case relating to the dispute Trademark, Copyright, Patent, Trade Secret, Industrial Design, Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits, Plant Varieties.

Indonesian Deposit Insurance Corporation

Accompany and/or represent clients in the Commercial Court in cases related to:

  • Disputes in the liquidation process
  • Demands cancellation of all legal actions that result in reduced bank assets or increasing liabilities of the bank.

Disputes in the liquidation process

Demands cancellation of all legal actions that result in reduced bank assets or increasing liabilities of the bank.

Tax Court

Our office assist and / or represent clients in all stages of tax disputes as filed Appeal to the Director General of Taxes and / or file a lawsuit to the Tax Court.

Court of Maritime

Our offices provide legal assistance in the areas of good cruise ship accidents and against violations of maritime law, not limited to provide consultation and guidance to the Master or other ship officers in court of maritime.

Industrial Relations Court

Our office provides advice and/or assistance to individuals and companies against labor disputes either in mediation or in the Industrial Relations Court.


Our office provides advisory services in matters Administrative claims in the Administrative Court. Our services include licensing issues (Administrative Decision) and the Administrative disputes such as Certificate Revocation of land, Election Disputes and Decisions – Administrative decisions of other countries.

Our office helps in the implementation of the Real Executions to decisions which have permanent legal force if a decision was not implemented voluntarily by the Respondent, either in making Letter of Request to the head of the Court or with the assistance of state instrument.